“New Year”
I work full time for a human services company. I am a mother to two energetic kiddos. I am a wife to the best man I know who also happens to cultivate the land around us and is busy all the time.
Sara’s Sweeties was something born from a hobby and a love of art. Combining the two made sense to me. Baking and edible art. While this is not my “full time gig,” it is something that consumes a lot of time.
While the new year generally brings with it the sense to make resolutions, we often times see those resolutions dissolve over a short period of time. Our human instinct and habitual behavior makes it difficult to make lasting change.
To be resolute one needs to embrace the “admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering” actions to actually maintain change in life.
My life has changed in the past year with family health, the growth of Sara’s Sweeties, new friendships, and so much more. It is not my job to know what is coming but I can prepare myself and work for what I feel led to do.
This year I have goals for Sara’s Sweeties. I have short-term goals and long-term goals. I have made a plan that I can follow, but also understand that life happens and sometimes my plan is not what God has planned.
I’m excited for what 2023 will bring to this little business of mine but more-so for what I will learn as a business owner and for what I will learn about myself.
Here’s to 2023!